Have Your Say

We work in an open, honest, and positive way with individuals who have experienced mental health and addiction challenges within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Does this include you?

We can empower you to take your seat at the table and use your voice equally alongside professionals, so you can share your experiences, ideas and challenges to help develop, change and influence support services so they can be the best they can be.

We empower you to feel able to have your say and will support you in sharing your valuable lived experience. We connect with those who provide services and those who pay for services to happen, making space for all to listen and share their views equally. We celebrate and value community involvement; through involving people from different backgrounds, roles, and experience in decision making so services can be the best they can be.

How We Gather Feedback

Come and take your seat


You can come along to decision making meetings and share your thoughts and experiences. You can have your say and contribute to decisions involving funding for services by getting involved in tender panels

Your story matters

Sharing your story

You can share your story to help raise awareness in service staff and funders and also inspire others that may be struggling. You can share your story through videos, blogs, and social media posts to raise awareness and break down stigma.


Feedback Surveys

You can share your experience of services to help us feed back to the service providers.

If you or a loved one are on the waitlist for a memory clinic appointment, or have a diagnosis of dementia - we would like to hear from you.

The SUN Network want to ask specific questions to people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough about their experiences of the journey of getting a diagnosis of dementia. This information will be anonymously shared with the NHS, who are looking to improve the current care and support that is available for people who are waiting for, or have a diagnosis of dementia.

Access the survey here



You can be part of a group of service funders, service staff and people with their own experience of mental health or addiction challenges making shared decisions about how services should look, and how they are delivered.



You could help us design and deliver training or share your experiences to help train staff working in support services. We can even offer you training to help you feel confident enough to get involved in other opportunities.

Why Having Your Say Is Important

We want you to get the very best support for your mental health or addiction and the best people to tell us what works well and what could be better is you! Creating a great service needs the perspective of the people funding it, the people delivering it and the people who use it. By working together you can influence how services are improved and delivered. This is called Co-production.

Get Involved

How Your Feedback Has Made A Difference

You said: "it’s PTSD Awareness month too" – June 2021.
We did a PTSD awareness campaign sharing lived experience stories of PTSD
You said: "I don’t know where to go to get support during the lockdown."
We created a wellbeing resources that was regularly updated.
You said: "there is so much more to eating disorders then people initially think."
We co-produced eating disorder literature with carers and individuals with lived experience to challenge stigma and raise awareness.
View the eating disorder information here
You said: "the eating disorder pathway is too confusing and unclear."
We are working with service professionals and individuals with lived experience to create a friendlier version.
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