Porn and Sex Addiction Training
Ever wondered about porn and sex addiction? Behavioural addictions are viewed as more controversial than substance addictions, but they work the same in the brain, and respond to the same support and strategies as other addictions. Gambling and pornography may be the best known behaviours that activate the same dopamine receptors as all addictions. Behavioural addictions show that the problem is deeper than the obsessive activity. An unhealthy relationship with something that numbs pain while giving temporary relief from emotional difficulties ultimately causes intense shame to the individual and serious problems to family and work.
This training is an informative 3 hour course, based on the latest understanding of addiction and neuroscience, backed and complemented by real life experiences of addiction and recovery. Time is given for questions and and contributions from attendees to learn from each others’ experiences, this could be from a professional view, volunteering view and more. We list where can people find others on this journey, learn from them, to draw strength from each other and find hope.
At the end of the training session you will be given a certificate of attendance.
This course is led by KC, our Addiction Recovery Engagement Facilitator. In this training, KC shares snippets from his own story of addiction, how his recovery has progressed, and the lessons he has learnt and those he is still learning that helps him and others in daily recovery.

About KC
KC works on his own recovery, as well as mentoring others to recover, by drawing on his own struggles and progress after 25 years in active addiction. Plus he learns by researching, as well as talking to others in addiction and colleagues who work in the mental health and addiction recovery field. KC enjoys teaching, raising awareness, challenging stigma and giving a voice to others who have experienced these challenges.